I'm pregnant!
That simple little phrase is so loaded. It means so many things.
It means that for the fourth time, I have a little human growing inside me
It means that maybe, just maybe, I'll get to meet this little human.
It means that maybe, this Christmas we'll have to buy a little stocking.
It means my parents will have a second grandchild.
It means Eric's parents will be grandparents for the 6th or 7th time. (Depending on whether Mindy or I pop first, Congrats you guys!!)
It means I'm going to gain weight, and I won't be upset about it.
It means taking pills that make me queasy for a couple more weeks in the hopes that it will help me keep this one.
It means waking up in the morning and performing Olympic level acrobatics to get to the bathroom. And, I am actually happy to be nauseated for once. It's still not fun though...
It means becoming very well acquainted with my bathroom, as I am in there peeing every hour, on the hour, round the clock.
It means sharing that news and seeing people's faces light up with genuine excitement!
It means seriously talking about names.
It means breaking out some of the baby stuff I've accumulated over the past year.
It means cleaning out the spare bedroom. Gag!
It means turning that bedroom into a nursery. Hurray!
It means being anxious about seeing blood.
It means spending time reading about what little pieces are developing and how big my baby is at any given point it time.
It means every Wednesday, I get to tick another week off the list.
It means realizing how so very long it takes to get to the second trimester, with no guarantees that it will help my morning sickness, but with lots off hopes that it will!
It means that I am a lot more aware of what I eat and drink.
It means calling Eric 'daddy' from time to time just to see that cute sappy smile.
It means staying awake at night worrying that something might go wrong and trying to push aside the thoughts of 'How would I feel if it did?' and insert, 'How will I feel if everything goes perfectly?' instead.
It means a lot of crying. A lot. A really ridiculous amount of crying. At everything. Just one little sappy thing and I'm a blubbering mess of sobbing pregnant woman. And explaining to my petrified husband that I'm just really, really, really hormonal and I'm fine and not to worry about my tear stained, splotchy face. It's bad.
It means exhaustion to a depth and breadth that is unbelievable. Accompanied with this new insomnia. I'm exhausted and I just can't fall asleep!
It means a list of food aversions a mile long. I'm on the "Eat What I'm Craving or Starve Both of Us" diet. Which involves a lot of running places at crazy hours and crying because a certain restaurant isn't open at the time. Did I mention I'm crying a lot now?
It means parts of my body are swelling. This includes: Feet, ankles, hands, face, and breasts. Some people are happy about the breast thing, others are annoyed that they have to go bra shopping because is there anything worse than bra shopping? Plus some of us know that this is only the first trimester, so some of us will probably have to go bra shopping a couple more times in the next couple of months. And some of our backs/shoulders are hurting. Pretty divided feelings in this house about the swelling.
It means hopefully hearing a heartbeat for the first time. We're pretty excited about that part.
It means hopefully feeling the baby move for the first time. We're pretty excited about that part too.
It means hopefully holding our little person and looking at their precious little face for the first time. We wish we could fast forward to that part.
It means our lives will never be the same again.
It means our little family is getting a little bigger.
Who knew those two little words could mean so, so much?