Sunday, May 5, 2013

Predicting Gender

I'm having a lot of fun looking at these Old Wives Tales about predicting the gender of your unborn child. Here's how I stack up:

Cravings -- It is said if you are craving salty foods, you are having a boy. If you are craving sweets and fruit, you are having a girl. I'm definitely craving sweets. GIRL!

Chinese Gender Prediction Chart -- Basically, it's a chart that takes your age and the month of conception to predict gender. According to this chart, we are having a GIRL!

History of Parent's Kids -- This one is kind of complicated, but since I am the oldest child, I will have what my mother had but starting with her second born. (So, I'll have girl, girl, boy, then girl but I won't have that many kids!) GIRL!

Moodiness -- I've been super cranky. That means GIRL!

Clumsiness -- I'm not the world's most graceful person, but I've never been a klutz. Since I've been pregnant, I routinely trip over air. That means BOY!

Side Sleeping -- I've always slept primarily on my left side, however since I've been pregnant I've been sleeping more often on my right side. That means GIRL!

Wedding Ring Test -- You tie your wedding ring to a string, then hold it over your belly. It most definitely swung back and forth the three times I tried it. GIRL!

Heart Rate -- They say if the baby's heart rate is high, it means girl and low means boy. This is another point in the GIRL! column.

Names -- We settled very quickly on the name for a girl, but we've always struggled agreeing on boys names. Therefore, we are having a BOY!    

Feet -- If your feet are colder, you are having a boy. If they are the same, then it's a girl. I haven't noticed my feet are any colder than usual, so GIRL!

Areolae -- Apparently, if they are darker, it's a boy. Another point for BOY! 

Morning Sickness -- If you are sick as a dog, you are having a girl. Yup, definitely GIRL!

Mother's (and Father's) Intuition -- Eric and I both think it's a GIRL!

So, that's 3 points for boy, 10 points for girl. I'm excited to see how it turns out!

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